Appointment Rules

Appointment Rules2018-11-09T13:02:09+10:30

Our online bookings are now open. You can access these appointments by using our website or clinic app. Our app is available for downloading from the Google Play store or iPhone store.


If you have a medical emergency dial 000 for an ambulance.

**The online service is not to be used for emergencies**

Online appointments are of 15mins duration.


Mental Health Plan

Health Assessment

Medical / Insurance paperwork completed

Minor Surgical Procedure

Implanon / Mirena

6 Week Post-natal Visit

Need a long consult

Have multiple issues

Have more than 1 person to book in at any one time….

We kindly ask that you phone and book your appointment with reception staff as online bookings will NOT be suitable for your needs.

Please Remember –

  1. Only one person can be seen in any one appointmentSeparate appointments are required for other family members. If you ask the doctor to see another family member you will be forcing others to wait longer for their appointment.
  2. Check your email address for confirmations. When you register for online bookings you will be asked to give an email address. Please be aware that you will need to check your email for confirmation of any booked or cancelled appointment. If you do not receive a confirmation email then you booking/cancellation has not been successful.
  3. Please also be aware that at times we will have a medical student consulting with our doctors. If you are booking online remember that there may be a student present with the doctor at the time of your consult. If you do not want this to occur please phone the reception staff to make an alternative appointment.
  4. To make an appointment for a practitioner not currently offering online bookings, please call reception staff. Please be advised that Dr. John Penna is not available for online bookings.
  5. For all enquiries please call reception staff on 8582 2855

Be aware that if you fail to attend an appointment that you have booked online, a fee of $50 will be charged. This fee is payable before your next scheduled appointment.